The good news is that we got a new camera in August, a digital SLR, Canon's Digital Rebel XTi. We didn't get the kit lens, instead opting for an L class f/2.8 24-70mm kickin' lens that was more $$ than the camera body. The thinking behind this is that one may upgrade the camera body at some later date, but good lenses work on any Canon camera. We're still learning all the features, but it takes awesome photos right out of the camera.
At the end of September we went to the Durham Fair, which is Connecticut's largest agricultural fair. Food, rides and animals galore, plus tractor pulls (small, medium and large, including the kids division pictured below) and horse/pony pulls.
We we arrived on a beautiful Saturday morning before the bulk of the crowds. We first hit the animal barns, paying particular attention to the poultry. Our conclusion was that our Barred Plymouth Rocks were prettier, but we're not sure it's worth the trouble to exhibit them. So kudos to those who do.
Peter liked the turkey which was at eye level for him.
Charlotte liked the bunnies. They make me sneeze, however.
Kids could pet this large rabbit specimen, I think it was of the French Lop Eared variety.
We spent a large part of the afternoon sitting watching the draft pony pull. Very impressive, as the winning 3 pony team pulled 7,800 pounds. Since we were sitting there, I took a million photos of the pony teams. The fair has a contest each year for a photo of the fair to use on the cover of their exhibitor guide. I might enter one of the ones below. Which one do you like best? Respond in the comments, please.
Photo #1:
Photo #2:
Photo #3:
1 comment:
I think Photo #1 has the best chance of being featured on an informational brochure: the horses are more stately looking and presentable.
The other photos, while definitely neat to look at, show the horses straining and pulling against the cruel weights that are placed on their yoke. Such is the sad lot of those drafthorses, relegated to pulling nearly four tons across the unforgiving ground ... "The Man" is definitely showing his influence in those photos.
But I digress ... ;-)
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