"Yeah, that's great, Gus, but you need to put his hands in the air trying to stop the cannonball to show the futility of it."
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Don't Do This At Home
"Yeah, that's great, Gus, but you need to put his hands in the air trying to stop the cannonball to show the futility of it."
Friday, June 29, 2007
Two Weeks
And as you an see, they are starting to get more wing feathers and they're coming in barred like they will eventually look as adults.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Gone Fishing
Then, when you get to the local reservoir, you need to have help to get the fish off the hook:
[Actually, Charlotte is very good at getting fish of her hook, as Nana will attest, but she uses a glove which was unavailable on Sunday.]
Meanwhile, Peter was not patient enough to cast and reel in his bobber (we didn't trust him with a hook), but was very intrigued with the box of worms. He also like to touch the sunfish hanging on the hook that Charlotte caught. Then he discovered that he could throw stones in the water. Happily, the stones ran out just as the fish stopped biting.
Friday, June 22, 2007
They're Getting Bigger....
Monday, June 18, 2007
Which One Is Which?
But can you pick it out in a lineup?
One of our six chicks has a black head rather than the yellow spot on the back of the neck that the others have. Charlotte calls this one "Blackhead" but I hope that name doesn't stick. I think she is the one in the middle above.
They all have yellow bottoms, but it can vary as to how much yellow:
But in the end, any names they have now I don't think will stay because they will look quite different in a few months. Here's what Murray McMurray Hatchery shows how they'll look when they grow up:
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Happy Father's Day
Growing up, my two brothers and I called our father Dad, maybe Daddy until we were about five.
Dad taught us his love of reading , his love of music, his love of many sports and the outdoors, edited our papers and taught us how to write, how to mow a lawn, how to drive a tractor, then how to drive a car, and indulged our interest in sailing. But perhaps most importantly Dad quietly demonstrated his drive to do what is right no matter what others think. Sometimes this was embarrassing, particularly in the junior high years, but it left an impression.
When grandchildren arrived, Dad announced that he wanted to be called Pops. I remember protesting that grandparents can't choose what they're going to be called, but with the advent of our daughter I realized that this infant wasn't going to be calling anybody any name anytime soon, and number two grandchild at 5 months younger wasn't going to be adding to the nomenclature soon, either. So, Dad became Pops. And a few years ago said daughter morphed Pops into Popsie.
Never in a million years would I have thought of my Dad as Pops. Or Popsie.
Happy Father's Day, Popsie!
Friday, June 15, 2007
The Chickens Are In The Building
So, by the time we got home the chicks had snuggled in the sunny corner of the box and had pretty much stopped peeping. Peter had fallen asleep, which gave me time to set up the heatlamp, fill the waterer, get the starter ration (chick food for all you novices) out of the car and served up in the "brooder box" (sounds much more fancy than the cardboard box on newspapers that it is), and the chicks gently placed in their new home in the garage. Happily they started scratching and eating the tasty vittles and slurping up the water.
Here they are:
You want to see a close up you say? Here you go, and in the second one, don't worry, Charlotte is not nuzzling the chick:
We are still adjusting the lamp/heat source. If it's too hot, all the chicks cluster in the corners of the box, if it's too cold, they all bunch up in the middle. Nice of them to use that indicator. Also, the paper towels are down for the first few days so they can find the food, not just scratch in the litter, and so the shavings aren't too tough on their feet.
A moth flew into the box under the light this evening and did that ever stop the chicks in their tracks! A few tried to chase it, but it was too high. They do eat ants if you throw them in, but my book doesn't say anything on insect supplementation at this point, so we're going light on ants.
Oh, and we had ice cream with chocolate syrup tonight for dessert:
First off, congratulations go to my dear sister-in-law, DB, who won the family Name That Blog contest. From all the imaginative names that were submitted (most of them from DB, who spends her days as a professional wordsmith and moonlights as a ferocious Boggle player), I felt that Brood Awakenings fit this place best. And thus, DB gets the first Brood Awakenings Pullet-zer Prize. (Yes, another DB-originated term.) Stay tuned, DB to see what you get for your prize.